Thursday, May 24, 2007

I have a life to lead

It’s not living when you are told to do things,

It’s not living when you have targets set by others,

It’s not living when you know your tomorrow.

Live your life, set your own goals,

Live your life, you call the shots,

Live your life with an unknown tomorrow.

Move out if u think you are incarcerated, move out if you are subdued by others, move out if you have a slightest hint of not leading the life the way you want to lead.

Break the dependencies that you have on others, break the chronological execution of anything which will want you to wait. Create abundance of knowledge in you to make people depend on you. Create an execution list where every other person waits only for you.

Life is not the biggest secret, life it that you learn leading it with a smile.

Life comes only once, Brighten it.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dont Succumb to Emotional BlackMail

The Hunter is all powerful,
The prey is meek,
If this is what you think, you are weak.

Bow not your head to threat,
Bow not thinking the relationship will break,
First, Break the Belief.

The Most powerful weapon is not used by the army. The deadliest strike is never that kills millions. The biggest strikes are always ones that are played with emotions.

Yes exactly, this is what you heard and this is what I said. Heed not to anyone who controls you by their emotions. Keep your mind open and you will get to know how exactly this works.

Emotional card is played by a person who in age is senior to you. Emotional card can be used only when the person knows you may wield to it. Emotional card is always the last resort by the person who wants to get the work done no matter how.

Being emotionally linked to the person who is using this on you, the only way to get out of this is by taking courage to say NO once.

Emotional card is used by one, because they are sure of the result. Just say NO once and it will hurt their ego and they will tell you the worst of the things to burn your Emotional Feelings.

Now continue to say NO even though you don't want to say so. Let them get used to the fact that no emotional blackmail will work. Your job will be much easier now.

Heed to a request when it comes directly. Don't heed to it when it comes as an Emotional BlackMail.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Lull before the Appraisal

Happy were everyone, life was joy,
Happy were everyone, life went by,
Happy was I, life had smiled.

Have you heard of "Lull before the Storm" now listen to the "Lull before the Appraisal".

This is what life was few days back. Life is a lot wrecked now. How I hope I could have time-traveled to the past, when there was a broad smile in everybody’s face. Projects were going by the will of every Associate, today it moves by the force of the Managers.

Self motivation exists only there where there is equality in the treatment of all associates. Self motivation to achieve, Self motivation to move up, self motivation to succeed is all that is necessary to keep a project moving.

But where has the equality gone? Where has the zeal in everyone disappeared?

Both of these vanished in a single storm. The storm was named "The Appraisal".

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Monday Ache :AKA: MondAche

Born is the person who smiles,
Dead is the King who knows not his peasants,
Success is to the Software Engineer is all about “MondAche”.

No allergy is the cause for this, no seasonal change is needed, no prior health difficulties they are. They are HOT with the present generation. Yes and off course they are the most happening thing around. Introducing to each one of you, the latest kind of headache, “Monday Ache”. In Short “MondAche

To be eligible for the cult(Software Engineer) you need to know inside out of “MondAche”. The formal dress of yours may speak, but your knowledge of the health misery shouts. This is the criterion for being a Software Engineer.

After all, being in the software industry is like being in a recursive(Vicious) for-loop.

[Trivia: ‘Monday’ in one of the South-Indian Languages also means head. So what more better name can you ask for?]

“Know the miseries & be in them. Thou shalt succeed"

Friday, March 02, 2007

Think Different, Do Different

Life is truth,
Life is fun,
Love your life & u ll never run.

Be what life wants from you,
Go where life takes you,
Life is a melody.

MELODY? My Foot!!!

See how things around you are changing guys, dont just see, observe them with your eyes wide open. Start seeing how different a person being, makes him achieve something. Start seeing how a person from a very humble background can bring about a revolution. Start seeing how a "YES" makes a difference when the whole lot say "NO".

Stop counting your friends by numbers. Count them in percentages and you will realize how much more you need to do.

Stop being just another person. Stop listening to people without questioning. Stop being a non-thinker.

If you think you think? Think again. All what you have been thinking is no thinking at all if it has already been a thought.

Once you think Different, The Golden Rule is:

Turn your thoughts from being noun to verb.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

When things go beyond your Desires!!

Flowery is everything around you.
Flowery is things in you.
Flowery is the world when it goes you way.

How many times have you faced difficulties?

How many times have things around you got to your nerves?

Lets forget for sometime the problems that you have, 'cause everybody will have an endless list of them. Start focusing on the solution.

If u have problems with things around you there are 2 things that can be done:
  • Get used to the problem. Do not crib.
  • Crib, bring in the change.

If you went with the second option, there should be a motto that i say should be in your blood.

Force the Change, Change the Force.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Cycling my way to Work

One fine day the sudden feeling of going for cycling made me touch my cycle after a gap of 5 years.

The inspiration was my cousin who had cycled his way to Mysore from Bangalore. His sheer stamina and strength had got me all thinking about cycling as a mode of exercise.

I tried to pull out little time for myself when i can spend cycling. At the beginning it was such pain to take out even half an hour out from my schedule. I always make sure I don't keep any free time doing nothing. I have always felt 24 hours a day is not sufficient to live life. So apart from 8 hours of sleep, I have always kept myself busy the whole day.

Some how i managed to take out 30 mins of my time everyday from 8:30 in the evening. See guys I am not boasting by saying i am busy, I just said, I keep myself busy, by choice you see.

The first day at cycling was soo damn tiring. It feels like your legs have been chained. It feels like you have been nailed to the cross. It feels like the worlds burden is only on you.

People say, "The pain will be more evident when you get up the next day." What the hell do people mean when they say it will be more evident the next day? I am already feeling like dead, how the hell will it be tomorrow?

Days went on, a week later, I decided to go to work by cycle. My work place is 15 Kms away.

So 15 Kms by CYCLE? Yes I have decided to do that. I will do it. I will do it. So that thursday (25th Jan, 2006) I had left home at 7:15 in the morning and had reached office at 8:30.

Hahaha... Travel to work in 2 wheeler takes 45 mins in peak hour and one could travel the same distance by cycle in just 30 additional minutes.

So its not just about traveling by cycle and improving my health. I feel its a kinda social service.

So to tell each one of you, I have started my work at SOCIAL SERVICE.